A Little about me
Living a healthy, mindful and active lifestyle is as essential as breathing. Im and educator by trade and love helping others reach their greatest potential. I live for a good audiobook, naps and sunsets!
becoming a professional trainer
I was an athletic kid who participated in sports as a teen. That energy carried over into adulthood, but the fire was fueled after my lupus diagnosis.
i choose to train at thrive because
I’ve worked for big gyms and they are so impersonal, for clients and trainers. I appreciate the true community Thrive has cultivated
Bet you didn't know
I have lupus, most people know this because I’ve been open. As person living with an autoimmune disorder I’ve had more than a few life threatening scares all before I turned 32. Living healthy and staying active can literally save your life, and I plan to have a long one!
I won my first sports medal at age 11. I won a silver medal in a swim meet competing against 13/15 year olds. I made the varsity track team my freshman year of high school. And while I’ve never ran a full marathon, I am a proud marathon companion! Ive often joined friends at the 10 or 15 mile mark providing 5-7 miles of motivation!
what keeps me motivated on the rough days
Meditation and a slow a steady 3 mile run!
Favorite "Treat Meal"
I’m a Chicago girl and I love my pizza!
on a rainy day
I sleep
if I woke up tomorrow with 100 million dollars, the first thing i would do
Buy a multi unit building and save 3 units for family.